
Mixtape: DJ Kenchello - THE HURRICANE "One Dance x Party kracker @kenchello

The Hurricane Mix is a two part mix tape, that features unique blend of popular NIGERIA songs with a tap into the past and a blend of foreign music, It combines slow tempo song on a fast beat making it danceable.
It showcases a new invention in djing; and also in the art of scratching, introducing a new method of scratching called " the Spin Scratch" Invented by dj Kenchello. Just like a hurricane the Hurricane mix is gonna hit ur earwaves hard.. leaving you with an unforgettable musical mix experience.

CLICK LINK TO DOWNLOA "ONE DANCE": http://tinyurl.com/j22225j

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD "PARTY KRACKER": http://tinyurl.com/hx7oh6c

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