But, AdSense is still not getting approved.
Well, It’s not the end of the world! ;)
There are two things you can do:
#1: Don’t lose hope. Take your time to fix the issues on your blog that is mentioned by AdSense in rejection email and apply again. Remember, if you are disapproved, you can apply again and again until you finally get approved by Google AdSense. There’s no issue with that. Just use the same email account that you used for the first time.
#2: There are many other trusted and high paying ads network you can use and trust me they are not hard as Google AdSense is in terms of getting approval. One door of opportunity is closed so the other one will open.
You can use these ad networks to earn money without AdSense.They are easy to get approved.
1. Infolinks
Infolinks is the leader in in-text advertising which offers 70% revenue share even if you’re a newbie blogger. It is different from other advertising networks. It takes less space because it shows in text ads or pop up ads. You can use it with Adsense safely.
It is a pay per click. They offer advertising options like: insearch ads, intext ads, inframe ads, intag ads.
Well done bro am also your fellow blogger